I'm interested in exploring new filmmaking techniques using emerging technologies. For this project, I used Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) to record the popular virtual reality game VRChat, which I navigated using the Oculus Rift.
Directing, Cinematography, and Sound Recording were all performed while in game, requiring me to communicate in VR with multiple people to ensure the best possible results.
Cinematography: I downloaded a third party plugin to enable DSLR like camera controls to the in-game camera, granting me functions like controllable aperture, DoF, and zoom. This involved rigging a camera to my in-game avatar in Unity. Camera operation was similar to the real world, however there were no limitations in capturing complex angles.
Directing: lnterviews were scheduled via Discord, and I would meet people in game via a unique world/location. Interviews were often captured across the world in different time zones, yet sitting across from one another, with the ability to read body movement and voice fluctuation.
For the reenactment's, I location scouted different worlds/servers on VRChat, making storyboards and shot lists to present to the actors. We traveled from location to location, where I would describe the action, similar to a real-world shoot.
Clubbing footage was captured similarly to shooting a real world live event. I would approach others and ask permission to film them, and proceed to do so. Approaching higher profile users (DJ's) required special permission, to avoid me being kicked from a server.
I believe the future of filmmaking will be a hybrid between virtual and physical production, and am eager to explore more techniques as they emerge.
Finished Pitch Deck for a longer Documentary available via email request.